Karen Weber and her family join us for a brief Q+A about her and Pastor Tom's time with Community, Pastor Glen continues in Hebrews with "Responding to Blessing" out of chapter 7:1-10.
Hebrews(30) (Part of the The Letter to the Hebrews(27) series)
by Glen Osborn(172) on August 6, 2023 (Worship Service(184))
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Small Group Questions August 6, 2023
Responding to Blessing
Hebrews 7:1-10
Think of a time when you were blessed by someone. How did you respond?
Read Hebrews 7:1-3. What does this tell us about Melchizedek? What did he do for Abraham?
How does Abraham respond? Why do you think he responded this way?
Read Hebrews 7:4-10. According to this passage, what shows the greatness of Melchizedek?
What was the purpose of the tithe collected by the Levites? How was Melchizedek greater than them?
Since Jesus resembles Melchizedek, yet is much greater, how should we respond to the blessings we have received from Him?
Read 2 Cor. 8:12 and 9:7. What do you learn from these verses about how and when to give?
Thank God for blessing you.
Pray that you will respond to God’s blessings by being generous in giving.
Acknowledge the greatness of Jesus as the ultimate High Priest, sent from heaven for you.