Genesis 16
Genesis(35) (Part of the Abraham: Confidently Looking Forward(17) series)
by Glen Osborn(168) on August 7, 2022 (Worship Service(180))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions
August 7, 2022
God’s Way or My Way
Genesis 16
Have you ever made a decision to do something that later you realized you would have been better off if you had waited?
Read Genesis 16
Why did Sarai give Hagar to Abraham to have a child? What were the results of this decision?
Do you think Abram had responsibility for this decision?
How did Abram and Sarai respond to the tension between Hagar and Sarai? How did God respond?
What was God’s promise and prophecy to Hagar?
What did Hagar call God and why?
What have you learned from this passage and how can you apply it to your life?
Thank God for His care for the outcast.
Ask God to help you know His will and to follow it instead of going your own way.
Ask for forgiveness where you have gone your own way and pray for those affected by it.
Ask for God’s heart to care for the outcast, and troubled in our day.