Genesis 18: 22-23

Genesis(28) (Part of the Abraham: Confidently Looking Forward(17) series)
by Glen Osborn(141) on August 28, 2022 (Worship Service(153))


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Small Group Questions

August​​ 28, 2022

God Responds to Abraham’s Prayers

Genesis 18:22-33


  • When you ask God to do something, what do you expect for Him to do?


  • Read Genesis 18:22-33


  • What did Abraham ask God to do? ​​ Who are the righteous? ​​ How many times did he ask? ​​ What did God say?


  • Read Genesis 18:25. ​​ What is​​ the underlying basis for Abraham’s appeal to God? ​​ How does this impact you and your prayers?


  • Read Genesis 19:29. ​​ How did God answer Abraham’s prayer? ​​ 


  • Does God always answer our prayers? ​​ How? ​​ If God already has an answer, why do we pray?


  • Read James 5:16-18. ​​ What is the impact of the prayers of a righteous person?


  • Pray

    • Thank God that He hears the prayers of His children. ​​ 

    • Ask Him for needs that are on your heart.

    • Thank Him that He will always do what is right.

    • Thank Him for the peace that He gives when we bring our requests to Him – See Phil. 4:6-7



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