Genesis 21:1-7
Genesis(35) (Part of the Abraham: Confidently Looking Forward(17) series)
by Glen Osborn(175) on September 11, 2022 (Worship Service(189))
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Small Group Questions
September 11, 2022
The Promised One Arrives Genesis 21:1-7
What promises from God’s Word are very special to you? How have they helped you? Have you found God faithful to His promises?
Read Genesis 21:1-7
What did God promise Abraham and Sarah and how did He keep His Word? When did it happen?
How did Abraham respond? What things did he do?
Why did Sarah laugh? Why should we laugh with her? (Read Galatians 4:28)
Read Psalm 31:11-12.
What does the Psalmist say God has done for him? Have you experienced this in your life?
Praise and thank God for His faithfulness in keeping His promises.
Rejoice in Him, for turning your mourning to dancing.
Pray that you will trust Him more, and not doubt.
Pray that you will wait on Him and not try to work things out your way.
Pray for those who you know that are discouraged and need to find the joy of the Lord in the midst of their struggles.