Pastor Glen will be speaking from Galatians 2:11-16 as we continue in our Emotionally Healthy Relationships series. We will also be having a baptism and a baby dedication.
Galatians(2) (Part of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(175) on June 5, 2022 (Worship Service(189))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions
June 5, 2022
Living a Life of Integrity Gal.2:11-14
Read Galatians 2:11-14
Why, according to Paul, did Peter separate himself from the Gentiles?
What did Paul risk in speaking to Peter? What might have gotten lost if Paul had not gone to Peter?
In what areas of your life might you be avoiding a difficult conversation or acting in a way that is inconsistent to your values?
Under what circumstance, or to whom, do you find it difficult to say no? Why?
In your relationships with others, where might God be inviting you to tolerate short-term discomfort for the sake of long-term growth – in you and those around you?
On the back is a “Ladder of Integrity.” This is for getting clear within yourself before you interact with someone else. What are some things that stand out to you?
Thank God that He is with you in all of your daily activities and relationships, and you do not need to fear.
Pray that you will be true to yourself and living a life of integrity.
Pray for God’s wisdom and strength to face difficult situations that demand confrontation.
Climbing the Ladder of Integrity
12. I hope and look forward to…
11. I think my honest sharing will benefit our relationship by…
10. The most important thing I want you to know is…
9. One thing I could do to improve the situation is…
8. I am willing/not willing to…
7. This issue is important to me because I value…and I violate that value when…
6. What my reaction tells me about this is…
5. My feelings about this are…
4. My need in this issue is…
3. My part in this is…
2. I’m anxious in talking about this because…
1. Right now, the issue on my mind is…