Pastor Glen will finish up our Emotionally Healthy Relationships series with a sermon out of Luke 14:25-30
2 Peter(9), Luke(10) (Part of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(175) on June 26, 2022 (Worship Service(189))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions
June 26, 2022
Develop a Rule of Life
Luke 14:25-30
Read Luke 14:25-30
What is our love for Jesus to be like, compared to our love for others? How do we do that?
The cross is the way of suffering and death. What is the cross that Jesus tells us we must take up daily in order to be His disciple?
What do you think is the cost of following Christ that we need to count before we begin?
There is a danger of not counting the cost, and then giving up and not finishing well. How do we avoid that?
What are some practices that you can make a rule of life to ensure that you stay close to Jesus and love others in His name?
When knowing Christ is your number one pursuit, how can that been seen in what you do?
Ask for a renewed love for Christ above all else.
Recommit to follow Christ no matter the cost.
Pray for those who are going through difficulty that they will not give up, but grow in Christ.
Pray for loving attitudes that will build others up in Christ.