This week Pastor Glen will preach from Daniel 1:8-17.
Daniel(2) (Part of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(169) on June 12, 2022 (Worship Service(181))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions
June 12, 2022
Fighting Cleanly Daniel 1:3-21
Read Daniel 1:3-7
Why was Daniel and his friends in Babylon? What were they being trained to do? Why were they selected?
Read Daniel 1:8-16
What was the problem that Daniel had? Who did he talk to? What was the response?
What did Daniel propose? Why do you think the chief of staff accepted the proposal? What was the result?
Read Daniel 1:17-21
What special abilities did God give these young men? Why do you think he gave them these abilities and placed them there?
What was the king’s response? How much did he trust them? How effective were they?
Ask for help that when we face conflict, we will know the problem, have God’s guidance, and take appropriate action.
Thank God for special giftedness and His plans in the midst of challenges.
Pray for God’s wisdom and strength to face difficult situations that demand confrontation.
Pray that we will fight cleanly and bring God glory.
State the problem – “I notice…”
State why it is important to you – “I value _____ because…”
Fill in this sentence – “When you _______ I feel…”
State your request specifically, including details such as time and/or dates.
Consider the request. Briefly share your feelings and perspectives on it.
Are you willing to do all of it, part of it, or none of it. Make that clear at this point.