Pastor Glen will finish up our series in Colossians with a look at Colossians 4:2-18.

Colossians(12) (Part of the Colossians(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on April 3, 2022 (Worship Service(175))

Ministry(2), Work(1)

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Small Group Questions

“Working Together for Christ” ​​​​ Col.​​ 4:2-18

April 3, 2022

1.​​ Read Colossians​​ 4:2-4

2.​​ How does Paul direct the believers to pray? ​​ What does he ask them to pray for? ​​​​ 

3.​​ How have you experienced the power of prayer? ​​ 

4.​​ Read Colossians 4:5-6

5.​​ How are we to witness​​ to non believers? ​​ How​​ will you know the right response to give? ​​​​ 

6.​​ Read Colossians 4:10-15

7.​​ Who are the people that Paul mentions and how are they important​​ in sharing the Gospel? ​​ How can we work together with others for Christ?

8.​​ Read Colossians 4:16-18 ​​ How are these final words to the Colossian believers helpful and important?

9.​​ Pray:

  • Give thanks​​ for all of the people that God used to bring you to Christ.​​ 

  • Thank God for the part He has for you and all believers to play in His Kingdom.

  • Pray for​​ missionaries and evangelists who are sharing the Gospel in difficult places.

  • Pray​​ for wisdom and grace in witnessing.

  • Pray​​ that​​ believers work together for Christ.


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