2 Peter(9) (Part of the Living in the True Knowledge of God(8) series)
by Glen Osborn(169) on February 25, 2024 (Worship Service(181))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ February​​ 25, 2024

The Danger of False Teachers​​ Part 2 ​​​​ 2 Peter​​ 2:12-22


  • Have you heard of David Moses Berg, Jim Jones, or David Koresh? ​​ What do you know about them? ​​ How were they outside of the true Gospel?

  • What did Peter say about the false teachers in the first part of chapter 2? (vs.1-11)

  • Read 2 Peter 2:12-22

  • How are the false teachers like animals? (vs.12)

  • What other characteristics are given in verse 13?

  • How do they look at other people? (vs.14) ​​ Who do they lure? ​​ How does God look at them?

  • How does Peter say they are like Balaam? ​​ (See Numbers 22-24 and Revelation 2:14 for more information)​​ 

  • What other things does Peter say about them in verses 17-18?

  • How could they know the way of the Lord and not be saved and transformed? (v.19-21) ​​​​ What is missing? (See Acts​​ 2:38)

  • Verse 22 refers to​​ Proverbs 26:11​​ and another popular proverb. ​​ How do these disgusting examples​​ demonstrate the lives of the false teachers and their followers? ​​​​ 

  • Prayer:

  • Thank God for His keeping power in your life, and​​ for His Spirit and Word to keep you from false teaching.

  • Pray for​​ those coming to know of Jesus to actually repent and​​ know Him as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for our church​​ to stay true to the Word of God and our leaders to rightly divide it.

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