Pastor Glen will be speaking about our "New Life with Christ" from Colossians 3:1-11.

Colossians(12) (Part of the Colossians(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on March 13, 2022 (Worship Service(175))

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Small Group Questions

“New Life With Christ” ​​ Col. 3:1-11

March 13, 2022

1. Read Colossians 3:1-4

  • What do we read here that tells us who we are? ​​ 

  • Through faith in Christ, what has happened to us?

  • Where is your life? ​​ What promise do you have for the future?

  • What should be our focus? ​​ Our thoughts?

2. Read Colossians 3:5-9

  • What are we told to do with the sinful things within us? ​​ How do we do this?

  • What things are we to put to death?

  • What things are we to get rid of?

  • How does God respond to these things?

3. Read Colossians 3:10-11

  • What are we to put on?

  • What does Paul say brings renewal?

  • What really matters?

  • Who is this new life for?

4. Pray

  • To stay focused on heaven, and rest in our position with Christ.

  • To be able to put to death these sinful things.

  • For yourself and others in your group to live the new life and to be renewed in Christ.

  • To learn to know Christ and become like Him.

  • Thank God for believers from all over the world, from every background and situation. ​​ Pray for unity.

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