Pastor Glen will be speaking on Colossians 3:12-17.
Colossians(12) (Part of the Colossians(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(175) on March 20, 2022 (Worship Service(189))
Sermon Video
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Small Group Questions
“Clothing Yourself with Christ” Col. 3:12-17
March 20, 2022
1. Read Colossians 3:12-17
2. As you consider verse 12, what is the motivation for putting on these things?
3. How do you put on these ways of living?
4. According to verse 13, how are we to respond to people who have offended us? Why?
5. In verse 15 we are told that we are called to live in peace? Where does that peace come from and how can we keep it?
6. In verse 16, what are we to let happen? What are we to do as a result?
7. Read verse 17. How are we to live everyday? What role does being thankful play in our Christian lives?
8. Pray:
Give thanks that we can live this life knowing that we are “in Christ.”
Ask Christ to help you put on the traits listed in this passage.
Pray for those who have offended you and forgive them.
Pray for the peace of Christ to rule in your heart, and the message of Christ to fill your life.
Pray that you may represent Christ in all you do and say.