Pastor Glen shares a message about "A Clean Heart" from Psalm 51:7-13
Psalm(17) (Part of the Uncategorized(20) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on November 13, 2022 (Worship Service(187))
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Small Group Questions November 13, 2022
A Clean Heart Psalm 51:7-13
How do you know if you have a heart problem? What do you do? How do you know if you have a spiritual heart problem? What do you do?
Read the introduction to the Psalm. What is happening here when David wrote the Psalm?
Read verses 1-6. What does David pray? What is his emotional and spiritual state?
Read verses 7-12. What things does David ask God for? How does he ask?
In verses 8 and 12, David asks for joy to be restored. What does joy have to do with one’s heart? Why is this important to David? To us?
Read verse 13. What does David say he will do when he is restored? What does he foresee happening?
What difference does a clean heart make in our sharing with others?
How often do we need to ask God for a clean heart?
Ask God for His mercy, cleansing and restoration.
Pray for a willing spirit to obey the Lord.
Ask God to use you to show others the way home to Him.
Pray for others who you know who have a broken heart, or a hardened heart. Ask God to cleanse their heart.