Pastor Glen begins a new series on the Heart of Jesus, beginning with John 17:1-5.

John(16) (Part of the The Heart of Jesus(4) series)
by Glen Osborn(167) on April 16, 2023 (Worship Service(179))

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Small Group Questions ​​ ​​​​ April​​ 16, 2023

“The Heart of Jesus – To Glorify the Father” ​​​​ John​​ 17:1-5

  • Read John 17:1-5.

  • What does Jesus mean by “the hour has come?”

  • How will the Father give glory to the Son, and how will the Son give glory back to the Father?

  • How much authority has the Father given Jesus? ​​ Read Matthew 28:18-19. ​​ Why is Jesus’ authority important in regards to the command given?

  • How do the Son and the Father work together to give eternal life?

  • What does Jesus say is eternal life? ​​ How does this differ from what some people would say is the way to eternal life? ​​ So how does a person have eternal life?

  • What was the work that God the Father had for Jesus to​​ do while on earth? ​​ Why is it important that Jesus completed the work given Him?

  • What glory did the​​ Father and Son share before the world began? ​​ What message does this part of the prayer give to Jesus’ disciples? ​​ 

  • Prayer

  • Thank Jesus for humbling himself​​ to come to be your Savior.

  • Pray like Jesus prayed: that you would give glory to God by​​ knowing Him and making Him known.

  • Pray for those you know who need Jesus and eternal life.

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