Pastor Glen continues his series "The Uniqueness of the Birth of Christ" with a sermon entitled "A Very Humble Situation", following our Children's Christmas Pageant.

(Part of the The Uniqueness of Christ’s Birth(3) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on December 17, 2023 (Worship Service(175))


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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ December​​ 17, 2023

The Uniqueness of the Birth of Christ​​ ​​ A Very Humble Situation  ​​​​ Luke 2:1-12

  • What is your favorite part of the​​ biblical​​ story of Jesus’ birth? ​​ Why?

  • Read Luke 2:1-12

  • How was the town where Jesus was born​​ part of this being a very humble situation? ​​ Read Micah 5:2

  • How was where he was born, a very humble situation? ​​ Why do you think no one would offer them any lodging?

  • How did Mary show a mother’s love to Jesus in the very humble surroundings? ​​ 

  • Shepherds were the first to hear the announcement of Jesus’ birth and the first to visit the place of His birth. ​​ How is this​​ a part of this being a very humble situation?

  • Read Philippians 2:6-11. ​​ What did Jesus do to humble Himself? ​​ Why did He do it? ​​​​ Read 2 Corinthians 8:9.

  • Why did God come to us in such a humble way?

  • Read Philippians 2:3-5. ​​ How are we to live? ​​ How can we do this?

  • Prayer:

    • Thank God for coming to us in such a tender way​​ that our sins can be forgiven.

    • Thank Jesus for giving up​​ His privileges to come to die for us.

    • Ask the Lord to help you​​ to love others like He loves us.

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