This week begins a new series - "Jesus' Final Farewell". This will go through Easter, going through the Olivet Discourse. This week will focus on John 13:31-38 "The Time Has Come."

John(16) (Part of the Jesus' Final Farewell(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(169) on February 5, 2023 (Worship Service(181))

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Small Group Questions ​​ ​​​​ February 5, 2023

The Time Has Come ​​​​ John​​ 13:31-38

  • If you knew you were going to die soon, what things would you tell your loved ones?

  • Read John 13:31-35 ​​ What significance is there to Judas leaving the room before Jesus​​ tells the disciples that the time has come for him be glorified?

  • How is Jesus glorified and​​ God glorified in the cross?

  • Where is Jesus going and why can’t the disciples​​ come along?

  • What is the new commandment?  ​​​​ Why is it new? ​​ What is the impact of keeping this commandment?

  • Read John 13:36-38 ​​ How does Peter respond to Jesus?

  • What does Jesus promise him? ​​ (v.36)

  • Why did Peter fail to do what he said he would do?

  • How will you live differently because of what you have read in this passage?

  • Prayer

    • Thank God for making the way at the cross for us to follow Jesus to heaven.

    • Ask God to fill you​​ with the Holy Spirit so that you may love others like Jesus​​ loves you.

    • Ask God to help us love each other so that the world will know that we are His.

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