Pastor Glen walks us through John 20:1-18 on "The Stone is Rolled Away".

John(16) (Part of the Jesus' Final Farewell(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(169) on April 9, 2023 (Worship Service(181))


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Small Group Questions ​​ ​​​​ April​​ 9, 2023

“The Stone is Rolled Away” ​​​​ John​​ 20:1-18

  • Read John 20:1-10. ​​ What do you think it must have been like for Mary Magdalene to go to the tomb while it was still dark?

  • Why do you think she ran to get Peter and John? ​​ What did she think had happened?

  • What differences do you see between Peter and John as they​​ come to find the tomb empty?

  • Is there significance to the linens lying in the tomb and the​​ head cloth being folded neatly?

  • Read John 20:11-18. ​​ After the disciples left, what was Mary doing? ​​ What happened then?

  • Why didn’t Mary recognize Jesus? ​​ When did she recognize Him? ​​ What was her response?

  • Mary wanted to hold on to Jesus but Jesus says no? ​​ What is the reason? ​​ (See vs. 22 – what​​ will Jesus send when He ascends?)​​ What does He tell her to do?

  • What does it mean to you that Jesus rose from the grave? ​​ How does it impact your life now and in the future?

  • Prayer

  • Pray that you will be aware of Jesus’ presence and not miss when He is there.

  • Thank Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit, and ask Him to​​ guide you in His truth.

  • Thank Him for dying for you, and for rising from the dead in victory for your forgiveness and eternal life.

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