Genesis 45:16-46:7

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(150) on July 28, 2024 (Worship Service(161))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ July​​ 28, 2024

The Rejected Brother Redeems the Family

Genesis​​ 45:16-46:7


  • Do you know of anyone who was reunited with family members after many years of being apart? ​​ How did it happen and what were the results?

  • Read Genesis 45:16-20. ​​ Why do you think Pharoah was so excited to make sure that Joseph’s family was well cared for?

  • Read Genesis 45:21-23. ​​ What do you think is Joseph’s reason for giving Benjamin so much more than he gave to the other brothers? ​​ 

  • Read Genesis 45:24-28. ​​ What convinced Jacob that Joseph was really alive? ​​ What kind of things do you think went through his mind at this point?

  • Read Genesis 46:1-7. ​​ Why would Jacob need a word of assurance from God at this point in their journey?

  • What are God’s promises to Jacob? ​​ How do these promises encourage you?

  • Jealousy was a major problem in Jacob’s family and a struggle in our lives today. ​​ Read James 3:16. ​​ What impact does jealousy have in our relationships?

  • What does 1 Peter 2:1 say we are to do about jealousy? ​​​​ How can we do that?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. ​​ How can giving generously help us avoid jealousy?

  • Prayer

    • Ask God the help you “be done” with jealousy.

    • Consider how you can share God’s blessings.

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