Genesis 47:29-48:22

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(150) on August 18, 2024 (Worship Service(161))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ August​​ 18, 2024

God’s Ways Are Surprising ​​ Genesis 47:29-48:22


  • Share about a time when God did something or led you in a way that surprised you. ​​ Read Proverbs 16:9. ​​ How have you seen this apply to your own experience?

  • Read Genesis 47:29-31. ​​ Why was Jacob so insistent on being buried with his ancestors? ​​ 

  • Read Genesis 48:1-4. ​​ What did Jacob share with Joseph and his sons in his final days? ​​ Why was this important?

  • Read Genesis 48:5-7. ​​ What does Jacob taking Joseph’s sons as his own have to do with his memories of losing Rachel in Canaan? ​​ What special position will these sons now have?

  • Read Genesis 48:8-20. ​​ What was unique about how Jacob gave a blessing to Joseph’s sons? ​​ What do we know about the blessing of Jacob by Isaac? (See Genesis 27) ​​ How is this blessing the same? ​​ Different?

  • When Jacob blesses Joseph, what does he reflect on about God and His work in his life? ​​ How are these an encouragement to Joseph and his sons?

  • Read Romans 9:15. ​​ How does this apply to blessing the younger? ​​ Read Isaiah 55:8-9.

  • Read Genesis 48:21-22.  ​​​​ Jacob promises Joseph a special portion of land in Canaan and tells him God will be with him and lead him back to Canaan. ​​ Why was this important to Jacob and to Joseph? ​​ What promises of God are you waiting to see fulfilled in your life?

  • Prayer

  • Tell God you trust Him even when you don’t understand.

  • Thank Him for His faithfulness and promises to you.

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