Genesis 50:14-26

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on September 1, 2024 (Worship Service(187))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ September 1, 2024

God Intended It For Good​​ ​​ Genesis​​ 50:14-26


  • When have you seen something challenging and negative that has happened, and later you have seen that it has had a positive result? ​​ You could say that God intended it for good.

  • Read Genesis 50:14-26. ​​ What were the brothers afraid of? ​​ What did they do to try to avoid what they were afraid of?

  • Why do you think Joseph wept?

  • How did Joseph respond to his brothers and how did he do it? ​​ How do you think this was received by them?

  • How would you counsel someone who still feels unforgiven by God and are afraid of Him? ​​ How about if that someone is a confessing Christian?

  • What does Joseph promise his brothers in verse 24? ​​ How can he be so confident? ​​ 

  • What does Joseph make his brothers promise him in verse 25? ​​ Why is this important to Joseph and to all of Israel? ​​ 

  • How have you seen Joseph find God’s plan in the midst of a dysfunctional family and much disappointment? ​​ How does this encourage you?

  • Prayer

  • Thank God for His word and for allowing us to see His faithfulness through the story of Joseph.

  • Ask God to strengthen your faith as you go through the challenges of this life, and to help you believe His promises.

  • Thank God for being ever present in all of life.

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