Pastor Glen concludes the Heart of Jesus series. John 17:20-26

John(16) (Part of the The Heart of Jesus(4) series)
by Glen Osborn(167) on May 7, 2023 (Worship Service(179))

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Small Group Questions ​​ ​​​​ May 7, 2023

“The Heart of Jesus–For​​ Unity”​​ ​​ ​​ 

John​​ 17:20-26

  • Read John 17:20-26

  • Who does Jesus say He is praying for in this section? ​​ How does that impact you?

  • Who does Jesus pray will be one? ​​ What is that oneness to be like? ​​ How is it possible?

  • What does Jesus say in v.22 He gives in order for His followers to be one? ​​ How can this bring oneness?

  • What is to be the result of the unity of​​ Jesus’ followers? (v.21 & 23) ​​ Share how you have seen the unity of Jesus’ followers cause unbelievers to take notice of Jesus.

  • In v.24 what does Jesus pray that He desires for His followers? ​​ How does this encourage you?

  • In v.25-26, what does Jesus say He is revealing to His disciples? ​​ What does He say is in us? ​​ What difference should that make as we live in this world?

  • Prayer

  • Ask Jesus to help us be one as He and the Father are one.

  • Pray that we will be a clear testimony to the world around us for Jesus by being united in Him.

  • Thank Jesus for revealing the Father to us, and for His love living in us.

  • Pray for those you know who have had a bad experience with the church, that they will have a new experience and see God’s love in His people.

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