Pastor Glen continues in the Heart of Jesus series with a message on Jesus' heart for His disciples, John 17:13-19.

John(16) (Part of the The Heart of Jesus(4) series)
by Glen Osborn(167) on April 30, 2023 (Sunday School(113))

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Small Group Questions ​​ ​​​​ April​​ 30, 2023

“The Heart of Jesus–For​​ His Disciples”​​ ​​ ​​ 

John​​ 17:13-19

  • Read John 17:13-19

  • What does Jesus say is the reason that He told His disciples many things while He​​ was with them in this world? ​​ How do you think His teachings bring this about?

  • What does Jesus not ask the Father to do​​ as concerns the disciples? ​​ What does He ask Him to do? ​​ (v.15)

  • What does Jesus say is the world’s feelings about His disciples? ​​ Do you find that to be true? ​​ How have you experienced this?

  • How does the teaching of God’s Word make us holy? ​​ (v.17) ​​ How does it change you?

  • Jesus says He is sending His disciples into the world just as the Father sent Him. (v.18) ​​ How was He sent and how does He send His disciples?

  • How does Jesus giving Himself as a​​ sacrifice make us holy? ​​ (v.19) ​​ 

  • Knowing Jesus prayed for​​ you: to be filled with His joy; to be protected from the evil one;​​ to be made holy; to be a witness to the world – how does this impact you? ​​ 

  • Prayer

    • Pray that you may listen and apply the teachings of Jesus and know the fullness of His joy.

    • Pray that you will​​ live a holy life and be a witness​​ to the world you live in.

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