Genesis 43:1-18

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on June 30, 2024 (Worship Service(187))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ June​​ 30, 2024

Famine and Fear Force a Tough Decision ​​​​ 

Genesis​​ 43:1-18


  • Have you ever said you wouldn’t do something, and then because of circumstances, you do that very thing? ​​​​ Have you ever told God no, and eventually said yes?

  • Read Genesis 43:1-10. ​​ What forces Jacob to​​ send the sons back to Egypt? ​​ Why was he not willing to have Benjamin go along?

  • What was Jacob’s response to​​ Judah? (v.6) ​​ What does this show us about Jacob?

  • What forced the issue? (v.8) ​​ Read​​ Genesis 37:26-27. ​​ What changes do we see in Judah?

  • Read Genesis​​ 43:11-18. ​​ What does Jacob insist on once he​​ reluctantly agrees to let Benjamin go? ​​ Why would these be important things to him? ​​ What is he trying to accomplish?

  • How did Joseph respond to their return? ​​ Is this what the brother’s expected? ​​ What were they afraid of?

  • How has God used​​ struggles in your life to move you to a different place? ​​ How have you changed as a result?

  • God forces Jacob to give up someone precious. ​​ He touches us in tender places to get us to surrender. ​​ Have you seen this in your life and others?

  • Read 1 Peter 5:6 and Romans 12:1-2. ​​ What does God’s Word tell us to do? ​​ What is the promise if we do? ​​ 

  • Prayer

  • Humble and submit yourself to God. ​​ Give Him all​​ of​​ you as a living sacrifice and let Him lead.

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