Genesis 50:1-13

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(150) on August 25, 2024 (Worship Service(161))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ August​​ 25, 2024

Bringing​​ the Wanderer Home​​ Genesis​​ 50:1-13


  • Read Genesis 49:33-50:3. ​​ Think about the things that happen when a family member dies. ​​ What are details you can think of? ​​ What are the reactions of those close?

  • What did Joseph do when Jacob died? ​​ What was the reaction to weeping in your home? ​​ Read Psalm 56:8. ​​ How does God respond to weeping?

  • What do you think about Joseph having Jacob embalmed and the length of time that involved? ​​ 

  • Read Genesis 50:4-9. ​​ How did Pharaoh and all of Egypt respond to Jacob’s death?  ​​​​ What do you think God is accomplishing in this scenario?

  • Read Genesis 50:10-13. ​​ Why do you think it was so important to Jacob to be buried in Canaan? ​​ What impact did this have on his family? ​​ On the people of Canaan? ​​ On the Egyptians?

  • What is the significance of Abraham establishing this burial site in Canaan? ​​ What promises of God was he believing? ​​ (See Genesis 23:1-20; 13:14-17)

  • Read Hebrews 11:13-16. ​​ What was Jacob ultimately trusting God for? ​​ 

  • Jacob spent most of his life as a wanderer. ​​ But he was buried in the promised land. ​​ Read Luke 15:4. ​​ How does God respond to those who are wandering and lost? ​​ 

  • Prayer

  • Pray for those grieving the loss of a loved one

  • Pray for those who are wandering and need to come home to God

  • Pray​​ that you will trust God for His promises


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