(Part of the Being Faithful to Jesus Where We Are(12) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on October 13, 2024 (Worship Service(175))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions October 13, 2024
Being Faithful to Jesus in Our Neighborhood
Luke 10:29-37
Think about neighbors you have had. Who were good ones? Who were bad ones? What made the difference?
What things do you do to try to be a loving neighbor?
Read Luke 10:25-29. What do we learn about the man who was questioning Jesus? What was he trying to do?
Read Luke 10:30-37. How does Jesus turn the tables on this man? Does He answer his question directly?
A story is given to make a main point. What is the main point of this story?
From the story Jesus tells, what are the characteristics of someone who is acting as a neighbor?
What did the religious expert say is the characteristic of the one who was a neighbor to the man attacked by bandits? How does this answer connect to what he was trying to do? (see verse 29)
How can we show mercy to our neighbors?
Sometimes neighbors are really difficult. How are we to respond? (See Romans 12:18,19)
Pray that you will have Jesus’ heart and eyes to see the needs of your neighbors and to show them mercy.
Pray for your neighbors who do not know Christ and that you will be a witness to them.
Pray that you may know what to say and when to respond to neighbor’s needs.