(Part of the Being Faithful to Jesus Where We Are(12) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on October 27, 2024 (Worship Service(175))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ October​​ 27, 2024

Being Faithful to Jesus in​​ Our​​ Work and School

Colossians 3:22-25

  • What has been your experience in living out your Christian life at work or at school? ​​ What are the challenges?

  • ​​ Read Colossians 3:22-25. ​​ What can we learn about living out our faith at work or school from a word written to slaves? ​​ How is this helpful?

  • According to verse 22, what things is a Christian worker supposed to do, and why?

  • How can a proper fear of the Lord make a difference in what we do at work or school?

  • According to verse 23, what are to be your thoughts as you work? ​​ How can you keep this perspective?

  • What is the promise given in verse 24? ​​ What is the reward and how do you get it? ​​ Who are you really to be working for? ​​ What difference does this make?

  • Read Ephesians 6:5-8. ​​ What additional perspective do you get from this parallel passage?

  • How does verse 25 fit in with the rest of the passage? ​​ How should this impact what we do at work or at school? ​​ 

  • Prayer

  • Ask God to help you be a good worker or student, so that He will be pleased with you, and that you will be a good testimony as a Christian to those around you.

  • Pray for situations that are difficult at work or school, that make it a challenge to live out your faith.


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