(Part of the Being Faithful to Jesus Where We Are(12) series)
by Glen Osborn(162) on October 27, 2024 (Worship Service(175))
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Small Group Questions October 27, 2024
Being Faithful to Jesus in Our Work and School
Colossians 3:22-25
What has been your experience in living out your Christian life at work or at school? What are the challenges?
Read Colossians 3:22-25. What can we learn about living out our faith at work or school from a word written to slaves? How is this helpful?
According to verse 22, what things is a Christian worker supposed to do, and why?
How can a proper fear of the Lord make a difference in what we do at work or school?
According to verse 23, what are to be your thoughts as you work? How can you keep this perspective?
What is the promise given in verse 24? What is the reward and how do you get it? Who are you really to be working for? What difference does this make?
Read Ephesians 6:5-8. What additional perspective do you get from this parallel passage?
How does verse 25 fit in with the rest of the passage? How should this impact what we do at work or at school?
Ask God to help you be a good worker or student, so that He will be pleased with you, and that you will be a good testimony as a Christian to those around you.
Pray for situations that are difficult at work or school, that make it a challenge to live out your faith.