(Part of the Uncategorized(20) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on January 5, 2025 (Worship Service(187))
New Year(4)
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Small Group Questions January 5, 2025
Refreshing Our Commitment in the New Year
Romans 12:3-13
What do you think about your level of commitment to CCF in 2024? What would you like it to be in 2025?
Read Romans 12:1-2. What are the key ingredients in knowing and following God’s will?
Read Romans 12:3-5. In living out our faith in the body of Christ, what is Paul’s warning and why is it important?
How are we to evaluate ourselves? Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7. Who determines our place in the Body? How should this impact how we do what we do?
Read Romans 12:6-8. What is the reason that God gives each believer spiritual gifts? Do you know what your gift is? Do others see something in you? How will you know?
What does this passage tell us about how we are to exercise our gifts? What is our purpose?
Read Romans 12:9-11. How can you “really” love others? What does hating wrong and holding to good have to do with this?
Previously Paul writes that God gives the faith and the gifts. What does this section say is our part to do?
Pray that you will be honest in your evaluation of yourself and you would serve well in your place in the body of Christ.
Pray that we live this out at Community.