Philippians 3:12-4:1
Philippians(10) (Part of the Christ Is Our Joy: A Sermon Series in Philippians(9) series)
by Glen Osborn(175) on March 16, 2025 (Worship Service(189))
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Small Group Questions March 16, 2025
The Joy of Pressing On Philippians 3:12-4:1
Do you ever feel like giving up or quitting? What keeps you from giving up?
Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29. Do you think Paul ever thought of giving up? What kept him going?
Read Philippians 3:12. How do verses 10-11 lead into this? What is he pressing on to possess?
Read Philippians 3:13-14. What did Paul forget about and how did he do it? What was he looking forward to?
Read Hebrews 12:1-2. What are keys to pressing on that are given in this passage?
Read Philippians 3:15-16. What does Paul say to those who may not agree with him? Do you think he is being too soft? What are we to hold onto? How does this fit with forgetting what is in the past?
Read Philippians 3:17-21. Who does Paul encourage the Philippians to pattern their lives after? How does this fit in with Paul’s emphasis on humility?
How does Paul feel about those who are enemies of the cross? What are their characteristics? How are we different? What are we to be waiting for?
Read Philippians 4:1. How does Paul’s love and care for the Philippians encourage them to stay true to the Lord?
Prayer – Ask the Lord to help you press on to heaven and forget things that may hold you back.