Gen 37:1-4
Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on April 7, 2024 (Worship Service(187))
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Small Group Questions April 7, 2024
Recipe for Family Disaster Genesis 37:1-4
What ingredients are needed for a healthy family? What about for a dysfunctional family?
Read Genesis 37:1-4
What do you know about Jacob and his family? What was Jacob’s family like? (Isaac and Rebekah) What were some characteristics of Jacob’s grandparents family? (Abraham and Sarah)
What do you think it would have been like for this large family (12 sons and one daughter, a wife and two concubines) to be living as foreigners in Canaan?
How do all these things contribute to the family that Joseph is growing up in? What was Joseph’s relationship with his father? With his brothers? What contributed to this?
Why did Jacob love Joseph more than the others? What impact did this have?
How did the gift of a colorful robe to Joseph impact his relationship with his brothers?
How did Joseph contribute to the problems he had with his brothers? Was there any chance of changing the circumstances? Where was God in all of this?
How should we address past family influence, favoritism and sibling rivalry in our families?
Pray that we may learn from the mistakes of others.
Thank God that He is at work in our messes and ask Him to help us properly carry out our role in our family.