Genesis 41:1-36

Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on May 19, 2024 (Worship Service(187))

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Small Group Questions​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ May​​ 19, 2024

Prepared for the Present Opportunity ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

Genesis​​ 41:1-36


  • What things have you done to try to prepare for the future?​​ Have they been helpful? How does God prepare us for what is in our future?

  • Read Genesis 41:1-13.​​ What do you think​​ Joseph was doing during​​ those two years of waiting? How is waiting an important part of getting prepared for what is to come? Read​​ Isaiah 64:4; 40:31; Psalm 37:7; 27:14 – What do you learn from these passages?

  • Read Romans 8:23 and Hebrews 9:28.​​ For what are we as Christians waiting?​​ What are we to do as we wait?

  • Read Genesis 41:14-26.​​ What was the first thing Joseph did after being sent for by Pharoah? Why is this significant?​​ What did Joseph do​​ when he came to Pharoah?

  • What does Joseph make clear in verse 16?​​ How is 1 Peter 5:6,7 demonstrated here?​​ How was Joseph able to interpret the dreams?

  • Read Genesis 41:27-36.​​ Joseph did more than interpret the dreams. How did he​​ come up with a plan and why was he so bold to tell Pharoah what he should do? ​​ (Key thought – How has Joseph matured during the last 6 years?)

  • Read Psalm 37:7 again. How important is waiting in God’s Kingdom? How do you feel about waiting?​​ When God opens a door of opportunity are you ready to respond?​​ How can we be aware and ready?

  • How can you give God glory​​ when you are called upon to use the gifts that He has given you? Read​​ 1 Peter 3:16-17. How are we to answer people who notice God is working in us?

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