Genesis 39:21–40:23
Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on May 5, 2024 (Worship Service(187))
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Small Group Questions May 5, 2024
Give the Man a Break Genesis 39:21-40:23
Do you think, “When will the problems ever stop?” “Isn’t this enough?” Have you been through periods of life that seem to get darker instead of better? Have you done the “right thing” only to end up with more troubles?
Read Psalm 34:19 How does God rescue those who are his? When does it happen?
Read Genesis 39:21-40:23
How did God’s presence with Joseph make a difference for him? How was he successful?
How was God developing Joseph during his time in prison? What kind of things were taking place in his life that would make a difference later?
What did Joseph notice about the two men from Pharoah’s court? What does this show us about Joseph?
How does Joseph continue to point to God in this story? What is he hoping for as he interprets the dream of the cup bearer?
What can help Joseph in the disappointment of being forgotten by the cup bearer?
Read 2 Cor. 4:17 and 1 Peter 4:12-13. What is to be our perspective on troubles and suffering?
Read Hebrews 10:35 and Psalm 55:22. What will get us through the disappointments and discouragements of life?
Prayer: Pray that you will stand firm in your faith no matter what and that you may be a witness to others.