Gen 37:12-36
Genesis(35) (Part of the Joseph–Finding God's Plan in the Midst of Dysfunction and Disaster(19) series)
by Glen Osborn(173) on April 21, 2024 (Worship Service(187))
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Small Group Questions April 21, 2024
From Dreams to Desperation
Genesis 37:12-36
Have you had dreams that you wished would truly happen but have not? Share them with each other.
Read Genesis 37:12-17.
What do you think of Jacob sending Joseph to check on his brothers? What are the dangers? What was Jacob apparently not aware of? How could that be? How did Joseph respond to his father’s request?
Read Genesis 34:5 and Genesis 35:22. How did Jacob respond to these situations with his sons? How does Jacob’s handling of situations in his family contribute to the problems between brothers?
Read Genesis 37:18-36.
What did the brothers do when Joseph arrived? Why did all this happen?
Read Proverbs 27:4 about jealousy. How does jealousy bring about wrong actions?
Read Romans 13:13 and 1 Peter 2:1. As followers of Jesus, what are we to do about jealousy? How do we do this?
In verse 20, the brothers say, “We’ll see what becomes of his dreams!” Were they able to stop what God would do?
Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt. How would God use this in his life and for His purposes?
Prayer: Pray for the Lord to help you get rid of jealousy and trust Him even when things go wrong.