This week we have a guest presentation about the Gideons, then Pastor Glen continues in our series about "The Heart of Jesus" with a focus on John 17:6-12 "For Those Who are His."
John(16) (Part of the The Heart of Jesus(4) series)
by Glen Osborn(167) on April 23, 2023 (Worship Service(179))
Sermon Video
Sermon Text
Small Group Questions April 23, 2023
“The Heart of Jesus–For Those Who Are His” John 17:6-12
Read John 17:6-8
What do we learn about God the Father from Jesus coming to earth? What response does He want from us resulting from what we learn about Him?
What does Jesus say is true about those who God the Father has given to Him? How have those God the Father has given to Jesus responded to His message?
Read John 17:9-10
Who does Jesus pray for? And not pray for? Why?
Read Romans 8:34;1 John 2:1; Hebrews 7:25 and 9:24. What is Jesus doing now? How does that impact you?
How do we bring Jesus glory?
Read John 17:11-12. What does Jesus ask the Father to do?
What is Jesus concerned that His followers be protected from?
How many people has Jesus lost? Read John 6:39
Praise Jesus that He cares and loves us and prays for us.
Pray that we will glorify Jesus.
Thank God for His protection, and pray for unity and to keep believers from going astray.